419 North Main Street • Newark, NY 14513


Newark NY USA

The Village of Newark NY USA - Home of Que Rico Spanish Restaurant

Home to Que Rico: Newark NY

Que Rico is Newark NY Proud.

At Que Rico, we are proud that our Spanish Restaurant is in the little village of Newark, so we wanted to tell everyone all about our little corner of the world.

Nestled in the heart of Wayne County, Newark, New York, is a village rich in history, culture, and community spirit. Known for its pivotal role in the Erie Canal’s history and its prestigious title as the former “Rose Capital of America,” Newark offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern vibrancy. While small in physical size,  the village has a multifaceted identity, so here, the first post at Que Rico, we want to share a little about its history, geography, demographics, government, the Erie Canal, rose cultivation heritage, notable sites, and prominent figures. Once you get to know Newark, we know you’ll come to visit and have lunch with us!

The Village's History.

Early Settlement and Founding
Newark’s origins trace back to the early 19th century when European-American settlers began to inhabit the region, which was originally the territory of the Seneca nation, part of the Iroquois Confederacy. The village’s strategic location along the Erie Canal played a significant role in its development. Officially incorporated in 1853, Newark quickly became a hub for trade and transportation.

Growth and Industrialization
The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 marked a turning point for Newark. The canal transformed the village into a bustling transportation center, facilitating the movement of goods and people. This era of growth attracted industries, particularly those related to agriculture and manufacturing. By the late 19th century, Newark had established itself as a prominent industrial village, with factories producing a wide range of goods from agricultural implements to textiles.

The Jackson & Perkins Era
One of Newark’s most notable historical chapters is its association with the Jackson & Perkins Company. Founded in 1872 by Charles Perkins and his father-in-law Albert Jackson, the company started as a small nursery business. It quickly gained national and international acclaim for its high-quality rose hybrids. By the early 20th century, Jackson & Perkins had become a leading name in horticulture, earning Newark the title “Rose Capital of America.”

Mid-20th Century to Present
The mid-20th century saw Newark adapting to changing economic landscapes. While some industries declined, others emerged, and the village continued to thrive. Today, Newark is a blend of historical preservation and modern development, with a strong focus on community and quality of life.

Location. Climate. Resources.

Location and Physical Features
Newark is situated in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, approximately 35 miles east of Rochester and 50 miles west of Syracuse. The village covers an area of about 5.4 square miles and is characterized by its picturesque landscape of rolling hills, fertile farmland, and small streams.

Newark experiences a humid continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Summers are warm and humid, with average highs in the mid-80s (°F), while winters are cold and snowy, with average lows in the 20s (°F). The village receives an average annual precipitation of about 34 inches, contributing to its lush, green environment.

Natural Resources
The fertile soil and ample water supply have historically supported Newark’s agricultural activities, particularly its famous rose cultivation in the earlier days. The region’s natural beauty, enhanced by the presence of the Erie Canal, offers scenic views and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

The People in Newark, NY.

Population and Diversity
As of the last recorded census from April 1, 2020, Newark has a population of approximately 9,017 residents. The village is known for its diverse community, reflecting a range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The demographic composition includes a majority of White residents, along with significant Hispanic, and Mixed Race populations.

Age Distribution
Newark’s population is relatively balanced across different age groups. The village is home to young families, working professionals, and retirees, creating a vibrant and dynamic community. The median age is 39 years, indicating a stable and mature population.

Education and Employment
Education is a cornerstone of Newark’s community. The Newark Central School District serves the village, offering comprehensive educational programs from elementary through high school. In terms of employment, Newark has a diverse economic base, with key sectors including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and education. The village’s unemployment rate is generally lower than the national average (44.2% when we wrote this), reflecting its robust local economy.

The Village's Government.

Structure and Function
Newark operates under a village government structure, with a mayor and a board of trustees overseeing legislative and executive functions. The mayor, elected for a four-year term, works alongside the board of trustees, consisting of six members elected at-large for two-year terms.

Local Services
The village government is responsible for providing essential services to its residents. These include policing, fire protection, public works, and community development. The Newark Police Department ensures public safety, while the Newark Fire Department provides fire protection and emergency response services. Public works oversee infrastructure maintenance, including roads, water supply, and sewage systems.

Community Engagement
Newark places a strong emphasis on community engagement and participation. Regular town meetings and public forums allow residents to voice their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes. Various community organizations and volunteer groups play an active role in enhancing the quality of life in the village.

Lock 58: The Erie Canal in Newark

Historical Significance
The Erie Canal is arguably Newark’s most significant historical and economic asset. Completed in 1825, the canal connected the Hudson River with Lake Erie, revolutionizing transportation and trade in the region. Newark’s strategic location along the canal turned it into a vital port and industrial center.

Economic Impact
The Erie Canal facilitated the transport of agricultural products, raw materials, and manufactured goods, boosting Newark’s economy. It attracted businesses and industries, leading to job creation and population growth. The canal’s influence is still evident today, as it continues to support local businesses and tourism.

Recreation and Tourism
The Erie Canalway Trail, running along the canal, is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers scenic routes for walking, biking, and boating, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and historical significance of the canal. Annual events and festivals celebrating the canal’s heritage further enrich Newark’s cultural landscape.

The History of Newark's Rosy Recognition.

Jackson & Perkins Legacy
Newark’s identity as the “Rose Capital of America” stems from the legacy of the Jackson & Perkins Company. Established in 1872, the company specialized in breeding and cultivating roses, achieving global recognition for its high-quality hybrids. Some of the most famous rose varieties, such as the ‘Peace’ rose, were developed by Jackson & Perkins.

Rose Culture
The cultivation of roses became an integral part of Newark’s cultural and economic life. Local nurseries and greenhouses flourished, supplying roses to markets across the country and around the world. This horticultural expertise contributed significantly to Newark’s economy and reputation.

Continued Influence
Although Jackson & Perkins relocated in the mid-20th century, Newark’s rose heritage remains a point of pride. The village celebrates its floral history with events such as the Rose Parade. Although it is smaller than it once was, it still attracts visitors and showcases the enduring beauty of its rose culture.

Three Places to Be: A Newark Experience.

Newark-Arcadia Historical Society Museum
The Newark-Arcadia Historical Society Museum offers a glimpse into the village’s rich history. The museum houses artifacts, photographs, and exhibits that chronicle Newark’s development from its early settlement days to the present. Special collections focus on the Erie Canal, the Jackson & Perkins Company, and notable local figures.

Erie Canalway Trail
The Erie Canalway Trail is a scenic route that runs alongside the historic Erie Canal. It is a favorite spot for walking, biking, and enjoying the outdoors. The trail offers beautiful views of the canal and surrounding landscape, making it a popular destination for both residents and tourists.

T. Spencer Knight Park
T. Spencer Knight Park is a central green space in Newark that hosts community events and provides recreational facilities. The park features walking trails, playgrounds, picnic areas, and sports fields. It serves as a gathering place for residents and a venue for various community activities.

In a Nutshell: Newark, New York USA

Basically, what we want everyone to know is that the place Que Rico Spanish Restaurant calls home, Newark, New York, is a village that embodies a rich tapestry of history, culture, and community spirit. From its early days as a Seneca nation territory to its pivotal role in the Erie Canal’s history and its past status as the “Rose Capital of America,” Newark has continually evolved while maintaining its unique charm. Today, it stands as a vibrant and dynamic community, offering a blend of historical sites, recreational opportunities, and a welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike. As Newark continues to grow and develop, it remains deeply rooted in its storied past, celebrating its heritage while embracing the future – just like us!


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